Wednesday, April 27, 2011

May’s Master Class

May’s Master Class
“I’ll refresh tired bodies; I’ll restore tired souls.” Jeremiah
31:25 (MSG)
Come Experience a Practice of Inverted Poses
Saturday, May 21 from 9:00 10:30 a.m.
See HIS Magnificence be magnified….even if you are

Inverted Postures reverse the effects of gravity, stimulating the
entire system. Inversions are the ultimate in Holy Yoga poses.
They refresh, rejuvenate, and make our bodies come alive with
increased energy and vitality. We will explore Plow, Shoulder
Stand series, Handstands and The 7 Headstands from Ashtanga
Yoga’s Intermediate Series.

$25 for YMCA members; $30 for Non-Members
Space is limited so register at the Cool Springs YMCA
Welcome Center today!
Childcare provided

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Backbending Workshop

April’s Weekend Workshop
“Root Down and RISE Up”
“He is not here: he has risen, just as he said.” Matthew 28:6

Come Experience the “Rising Up” Within You on Saturday,
April 16th 9:00-11:00 a.m.

Back Bending Postures are rejuvenating and awakening.
They are effective at opening up the upper back, chest,
neck, shoulders, and front groin. A few examples: Cobra,
Locust, Camel, Bridge, Bow and Fish. Join us as the Cool
Springs YMCA offers a Workshop style Master Class
that will dive deeply into back bending. We will warm-up with a
creative flow and then explore backbends, backbend
transitions, and 2nd Series Ashtanga backbend sequencing.

$25 for YMCA members; $30 for Non-Members

Space is limited so register at the Cool Springs YMCA
Welcome Center today!
Childcare is provided.